Thesis Thursday- Andrea Mason

January 24, 2018 4:19
Thesis Thursday- Andrea Mason
Thesis Thursday
Thesis Thursday- Andrea Mason

Jan 24 2018 | 4:19


Show Notes

Hi my name is Andrea Mason, I am an Ecology and Evolutionary Biology junior. I work in Dr. Anna Dornhaus’s Social Insect lab studying bumblebees. We are interested in decision making in animals specifically during foraging. How do the signals given by flowers, such as color, affect the decisions bees make while foraging? Outside of the lab, I am tutor at the Think Tank and an ambassador for the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department. After my undergrad, I hope to go to graduate school and become an ecologist.

The University of Arizona’s Undergraduate Biology Research Program is partnering with KXCI 91.3 to produce “Thesis Thursday,” a weekly segment featuring student researchers talking about their undergraduate thesis projects, or research projects while working with University professors. Students describe their research, their overall goals and career interests and where they think their research will lead. They also get a chance to share their music and interests that motivate them.

Broadcast three times every Thursday with a new student each week.

Thursdays: 9:55 AM, 11:55 AM, and 2:55 PM

Created by Cathy Rivers, produced by Bridgitte Thum.

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