Thesis Thursday – Jonathan Blohm

January 18, 2018 4:25
Thesis Thursday – Jonathan Blohm
Thesis Thursday
Thesis Thursday – Jonathan Blohm

Jan 18 2018 | 4:25


Show Notes

My name is Jonathan Blohm and I’m senior pursing a BS in Honors Physiology here at the University of Arizona.  I’m from Tucson and have lived here my whole life so coming to the U of A was always in the forefront of where I wanted to go after high school.  My family consists of my parents and my younger brother although I have many extended family who also live here in Tucson which makes for fun Sunday dinner cookouts at my parents house every week.  Both my parents are engineers so I’m the odd one of the family wanting to become a physician, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned from them it’s that perseverance is going to get me a long way. As a physiology major and honors student my ultimate academic goals are to first finish my honors thesis this semester and eventually be accepted to medical school, with the hopes of eventually becoming a physician in Internal Medicine.  When I chatted with KXCI this past year, I wasn’t entirely sure where I would end up after graduation, but I’ve decided to take a gap year and work towards finishing an accelerated masters of science in Environmental Health Science here at the University of Arizona.  I’ve learned a lot during my time here at the U of A for my undergrad, and most of that has come from the amazing opportunities I’ve had through my research program EHS-TRUE.  My current research is focused on the environmental health of the Hopi population in Northeastern Arizona.  More specifically, my research interests lay in identifying the arsenic levels in the Hopi drinking water, and working with the community in a public health approach towards bettering their overall exposure and health.  It’s been a rewarding experience and one I’ve truly enjoyed greatly, which is why I’m so excited to chat with KXCI over the current state of the project and our project’s eventual end goal.


The University of Arizona’s Undergraduate Biology Research Program is partnering with KXCI 91.3 to produce “Thesis Thursday,” a weekly segment featuring student researchers talking about their undergraduate thesis projects, or research projects while working with University professors. Students describe their research, their overall goals and career interests and where they think their research will lead. They also get a chance to share their music and interests that motivate them.

Broadcast three times every Thursday with a new student each week.

Thursdays: 9:55 AM, 11:55 AM, and 2:55 PM

Created by Cathy Rivers, produced by Bridgitte Thum.

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