Thesis Thursday with Jordan Barrows

February 05, 2016
Thesis Thursday with Jordan Barrows
Thesis Thursday
Thesis Thursday with Jordan Barrows

Feb 05 2016 |


Show Notes

Jordan-Barrows I am a junior at the University of Arizona, studying Molecular and Cellular Biology and Biochemistry. I was born and raised in Helena, Montana, living just out of town. Among many other experiences, growing up in this environment and being able to explore the pine forests by day and the starry skies by night, helped inspire the love of science and discovery that drives my interests today. Supported by the Undergraduate Biology Research Program and the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation, I work with a team of other students in the lab of Dr. Daniela C Zarnescu to research the underlying causes of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) using fruit flies, which will hopefully lead to the development of therapeutic strategies to combat disease progression in the future. Continuing to fulfill my passion for science, I plan to attend graduate school after completing my Bachelor’s degrees, and hope to become involved in a research laboratory during and after my continued study.

The University of Arizona’s Undergraduate Biology Research Program is partnering with KXCI 91.3 to produce “Thesis Thursday,” a weekly segment featuring student researchers talking about their undergraduate thesis projects, or research projects while working with University professors. Students describe their research, their overall goals and career interests and where they think their research will lead. As well, they get a chance to share the music and interests that motivate them.

Broadcast three times every Thursday with a new student each week.

Thursdays: 9:55 AM, 11:55 AM, and 2:55 PM

Produced by Cathy Rivers

jordan1 Jordan-in-Lab-3

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