From Rock Island, Illinois- across from Iowa along the Mississippi River. Studied Geosciences (with a minor in chemistry) at Northern Illinois University (2002) before joining the Peace Corps (Ghana), coming back and cooking and truck driving, before getting back into environmental sciences- consultancy and lab work doing asbestos analysis. FINALLY coming to school and getting MS at UA – working as part of the Landscape Evolution Observatory (LEO) project. Currently finishing my 4th year PhD- graduating in the spring.
Hiya, I’m Zoe Scott, a 20-something who from a young age has always fit in better with the geriatrics than the pediatrics, which has...
Caleb Kim currently studies Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Arizona. He hopes to work in clinical laboratories related to...
My name is Ray Lee and I am an upcoming senior at University of Arizona with majors biochemistry and molecular cellular biology. I was...