Thesis Thursday with Patrick O’Connor

January 15, 2016
Thesis Thursday with Patrick O’Connor
Thesis Thursday
Thesis Thursday with Patrick O’Connor

Jan 15 2016 |


Show Notes

oconnor Patrick O’Connor is a senior in the Undergraduate Biology Research Program who is majoring in molecular and cellular biology and physiology. He works with Dr. John Konhilas studying probiotic bacteria that affect cardiac health. Patrick is also an intern at the Arizona Daily Star where he covers science and technology and an editor at the Arizona Daily Wildcat.

The University of Arizona’s Undergraduate Biology Research Program is partnering with KXCI 91.3 to produce “Thesis Thursday,” a weekly segment featuring student researchers talking about their undergraduate thesis projects, or research projects while working with University professors. Students describe their research, their overall goals and career interests and where they think their research will lead. As well, they get a chance to share the music and interests that motivate them.

Broadcast three times every Thursday with a new student each week.

Thursdays: 9:55 AM, 11:55 AM, and 2:55 PM

Produced by Cathy Rivers

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